The easy way to garden
Everything you need to succeed with your soil!

course value
Get more than $10,595
in value
for only
6 self-paced lessons
Teach you how to save on soil-building costs: Save an average of $5/sq ft in garden supplies with this process. For a 1,000 sq ft garden, that's $5,000
Maximize your food production
This methodology yields up to 1 lb/sq foot/yr. With an average of 400 lbs. of produce/adult consumed/yr, save approx. $2,010/adult/yr. in produce costs x 2 for a 2-person household, or more! $4,020 value
Expert answers to your questions + peer advice
Brianne will review your specific questions
to tailor answers and instruction during each session. In between, build relationships with peers in the online forum and brainstorm solutions. $150 value
to tailor answers and instruction during each session. In between, build relationships with peers in the online forum and brainstorm solutions. $150 value
Your Garden Planning Journal
Walks your through planning your own garden beds with the best soil, saving your hours of your precious time. Average time-saving value of $450
Videos, photos, tools and links
Detailed media in the course from Brianne's careful documentation saves you hours of time figuring out procedures and necessary soil component quantities. Average time-saving of $900 value
50% discount on optional private session
Want a virtual, private garden consultation with Brianne? Course includes a 50% discount coupon if you want to purchase separately for $75 one hour of consulting. 50% coupon is a $75 value
value to price
actual price
actual price